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Supercharge Your Business From Home!

Supercharge Your Business From Home!

Roger, the CEO of SuperCharge Batteries, was determined. He knew he had to send everyone home, at least through the end of the month, in compliance with the statewide directives of “social distancing” and to be “safer at home.”

Some might despair at this point, but not Roger. He was an eternal optimist and salesman extraordinaire. He was sure he could find a way to keep the engine running and make this temporary disruption a time for reflection, renewed creativity, and planning.

The first day of remote work, Roger gathered his VPs and Managers via a group screen-share for a strategy meeting. He wanted everyone on board to keep his employees engaged and productive during this time of uncertainty.

The virtual meeting was well attended. Of course, everyone wanted to learn more about the specifics of their time off and, in particular, whether they would continue to be paid. Roger brought the temperature down considerably when he assured all that their salaries would continue during this time away from the office.

On the other hand, Roger made it clear it was not a time to lie back and kick up your feet just because you would be at home. He wanted something in return. That got everyone’s attention. What could Roger possibly be asking of his employees in the time of “social distancing”?

Roger had a plan and he expected his team leaders to make their own plans, too. He was asking every VP, Manager, and Employee to use the company’s video conferencing capabilities to conduct daily team calls for the purpose of:

  1. Staying Informed and Connected – Roger knew it was important for every employee to be safe at home. He also felt it was important for his people to stay connected, share their concerns, and maintain an optimistic attitude. Using the team collaboration hub app to focus on company projects and goals would maintain their bonds to the company and each other.

  2. Virtual Operations Assessment – Roger wanted everyone to take some time every day to self-assess their department, its performance, and business processes. Could they identify possible areas for improvement upon their return? It would not be adequate simply to think about these ideas. Rather, Roger wanted each of them to post their thoughts to the company’s shared messaging app to generate some crosstalk dialog among the employees. Roger directed his VPs and Managers to review these posts and add relevant ideas to the project queue.

  3. Virtual Systems Assessment – Roger thought it would be great to schedule some screen-share meetings to conduct discussions about systems. In the rush of normal operations, they often bypassed conversations about how to improve the software that 'seemed to be working okay.' Now was a time to consider possible upgrades to their ERP and to look at new and needed functionality that could complement their ERP, like financial planning and budgeting, demand planning, and trade promotion management. Roger also felt it might be an excellent time to have discussions regarding his desire to transition more of their business to eCommerce.

  4. Virtual Organization Assessment – Roger was pleased that SuperCharge Batteries would not have to lay off any staff during these challenging times. Rather, it was an opportunity for each manager to assess their teams and recommend any realignments or reassignments that might provide new opportunities for cross-training and, in some instances, promotions. This analysis could easily be performed remotely.

Roger was confident that if he could keep SuperCharge Batteries focused during this period of “social distancing,” then the company would come out of this unusual period much “closer” and better prepared for a strong rebound and growth.


Rubenstein / Justman Management Consultants (RJMC) is your Virtual Guide and expert in assisting you to plan for operational and systems improvements. We always like to meet in person but can meet you via screen-share anytime. Call today to get more insight regarding our approach to increasing the value of your business through improved operations and systems. 310-445-5300 - We Get Projects Done!


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