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The Evaluation and Selection step invites the qualified vendors to present their solution and their proposal to the project team.
The RJMC methodology incorporates presentation guidelines and scenarios to ensure that the showstopper features are reviewed to the satisfaction of the Project Team to support an informed choice.
The Project Team will score the vendor demonstrations and engage in team discussion to select the system based on feature performance, interfaces, reporting and inquiry functions, dashboards, and ease of use.
Elements of the Evaluation and Selection step include:
Demonstration Guidelines for the Vendors
Demonstration Scorecard for the Project Team
Organizing the Vendor Demonstrations
Facilitating the Demonstration Sessions
Presenting the Vendor Recommendation
The Evaluation and Selection step leads into Contract Negotiations and then Implementation Planning. In many instances, another phase of Evaluation and Selection will be conducted to select the most effective System Integration firm.
RJMC continues to guide the project as the Project Manager supporting the company to manage the Vendor and the Systems Integrator with the Project Team to accomplish the full implementation of the solution.
RJMC expertise gets the project Done on-time and with better than expected results.